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8 Juvenile Chilatherina sp Upper Tor

8 Juvenile Chilatherina sp Upper Tor

For sale are 8 juvenile Chilatherina sp. Upper Tor. The fish are about 1 inch in size and would greatly benefit from continuous feeding of live baby brine shrimp on a daily basis. They are fast growing. I received my wild caught breeders from Advanced Aquarium Systems in Greenbay, Wisconsin (breeder male shown in the photo), thus the fish I am selling are F1! I ain’t getting any better than that! The fish are not sexable at this age and size. For more information about the fish I breed, please visit my band sites for rainbow fish, hillstream loaches and plecos

Current Price: $120.00

Stock Level: 50

Seller Info

Store Name: Marcels Fish

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Seller Location: WI, United States

Shipping: Please review checkout for final shipping options based on items selected, quantity, and groupings.

  • USPS express medium: Fits 1 for $70.00
  • USPS express large: Fits 2 for $90.00

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