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Peacock Eel

Peacock Eel

Macrognathus siamensis

Eels are a personal favorite here at Swimmy McGee's and Peacock Eels are no exception! These little wrigglers can grow to about a foot in length and can live nearly 18 years with the right care, so they are a commitment, but boy are they rewarding. Their temperature range is more flexible than many tropical fish, tolerating 73-82 degrees Fahrenheit, though their prefer a blackwater environment with lots of tannins, a pH of 6.5-7.5, and plenty of hiding places. A sandy substrate lets them burrow-- and looking for their cute little noses sticking out of the sand is a fun game to play with guests and young children! Be careful with coarse rocks or substrate, however, as eels can easily wound themselves on sharp materials.

Our eels happily much on bloodworms, though they can be trained to take pelleted food. Feeding them small, live earthworms with tongs is extra fun to observe and they can be trained to take food from your hand as well.

Current Price: $17.25

Stock Level: 12

Seller Info

Store Name: Swimmy McGee's

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Seller Location: Or, United States

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  • UPS Flat Rate Next Day- Giant 17x17x10: Fits 9 for $79.99
  • UPS Flat Rate Next Day- Large 10x10x10: Fits 6 for $49.99
  • UPS Flat Rate Next Day- Medium 6x6x6: Fits 1 for $39.99

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