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Rosetail Betta

Rosetail Betta

Betta splendens

Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens) are a much beloved species for beginner and experienced fish keepers alike. Domesticated bettas are quite difference in appearance to their wild cousins, with intense colors of all shades and long trailing fins. While these adaptations would be detrimental to the blackwater habitats of their native Thailand, where they would be a slow-moving and brightly colored snack, in a tank these features make them a living gem.

Rosetail Bettas get their name from their extremely full, ruffled tail. Rosetails are one of the most dramatic and showy domestic bettas available.

Bettas are a solitary fish, especially regarding members of the same species, but every betta is different in regards to their social tolerances. Some bettas can happily be housed in community tanks, some with only frogs and snails, and others must be housed alone for the safety of other creatures.

Bettas can breathe air from the surface, and while this means they can survive in tanks without filters, we recommend fully cycled, filtered tanks for their health, safety, and longevity.

Bettas in the photo are a representation of our selection, but not the exact fish available. If you have color requests, please reach out to our email and we can see if we can make it happen for you!

Current Price: $18.75

Stock Level: 25

Seller Info

Store Name: Swimmy McGee's

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Seller Location: Or, United States

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  • UPS Flat Rate Next Day- Giant 17x17x10: Fits 25 for $79.99
  • UPS Flat Rate Next Day- Large 10x10x10: Fits 8 for $49.99
  • UPS Flat Rate Next Day- Medium 6x6x6: Fits 4 for $39.99

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