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Veil Tail Betta Female

Veil Tail Betta Female

Betta splendens

Female bettas may not be known for the long, dramatic fins of their male counterparts, but they shouldn't be overlooked! These ladies come in all the same ranges of colors as the males, but with shorter fins and milder temperaments.

Bettas tend to be solitary fish, especially regarding members of the same species, but every betta is different in regards to their social tolerances. Female bettas lack the same territorial aggression of their male counterpart, which make them a great option for betta-lovers who still want a community fish tank. Betta sororities are a point of contention among many aquarists. Some fish keepers have had great success with their sororities, while others struggle with infighting and aggression. Maintaining a sorority or a single female betta in a larger tank with multiple species of peaceful fish can help balance potentially confrontational bettas.

Bettas in the photo are a representation of our selection, but not the exact fish available. If you have color requests, please reach out to our email and we can see if we can make it happen for you!

Current Price: $6.75

Stock Level: 50

Seller Info

Store Name: Swimmy McGee's

Store Rating:

Seller Location: Or, United States

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  • UPS Flat Rate Next Day- Giant 17x17x10: Fits 300 for $79.99
  • UPS Flat Rate Next Day- Large 10x10x10: Fits 75 for $49.99
  • UPS Flat Rate Next Day- Medium 6x6x6: Fits 12 for $39.99

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