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Home > Catfish > Ancistrus Pleco

SF Albino Ancistrus SF Albino Ancistrus SF Albino Ancistrus SF Albino Ancistrus

SF Albino Ancistrus

Bristlenose Pleco

Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus

These Ancistrus have a great golden color to them and are some of the best albinos I have seen. 1.5-1.75" and growing fast.

Very healthy and hardy, great genetics to start a breeding project

Current Price: $6.99

Stock Level: 35

Seller Info

Store Name: Starjumpers Tank

Store Rating:

Seller Location: AL, United States

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  • UPS Next day Air small: Fits 8 for $65.00

Home > Catfish > Ancistrus Pleco