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Home > Live Plants > Floaters

Water Spangle Large Hand-full

Water Spangle Large Hand-full

Salvinia Minima

Water Spangle (Salvinia minima) is a species of aquatic floating fern that can grow on the surface of aquariums. This hardy plant propagates quickly and can provide shade to areas of the aquarium if let grow in densely, which will encourage more reclusive species to come out of hiding. This is a beneficial plant for aquariums with gentle water flow. Care is extremely easy for Water Spangles. It can thrive in a relatively wide pH range as well as moderate to high lighting. This floating plant is great at lowering nitrate levels and increases oxygenation in tanks.

Temperature: 65° - 89° F

pH: 6.5 - 8.0

Lighting: Moderate to High

Care: Easy

Current Price: $5.00

Sale: $3.00

Stock Level: 10

Seller Info

Store Name: DonTay Aquatics

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Seller Location: IN, United States

Shipping: Please review checkout for final shipping options based on items selected, quantity, and groupings.

  • USPS Priority Mail Large: Fits 30 for $25.00
  • USPS Priority Mail Small: Fits 16 for $10.50
  • USPS Priority Mail Medium: Fits 8 for $16.00

Home > Live Plants > Floaters