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Home > Cyprinidae > Rasboras

Harlequin Rasbora (12 Count)

Harlequin Rasbora (12 Count)

Trigonostigma heteromorpha

Trigonostigma heteromorpha is one of the rare species of fish that get better looking the longer you have them. They do well in densely planted aquariums with soft, moving water over a sandy substrate. The fish love to school, so the more the merrier in your home tanks! We keep them in groups of up to 400 and they all move together whenever the shop dog peers in the tank to lay down on her bed near the Rasbora holding tanks. They are idea candidates for large groups in large planted tanks as you can see them across a room when they are adults and the color on the fish is a deep burgundy with a metallic blue sheen that flashes when they turn. They are often confused with the Pork Chop Rasbora and the Glowlight Rasbora – this species has the biggest black triangle on the side of its body, and will be easy to tell them apart from the other species.

Current Price: $36.00

Stock Level: 6

Seller Info

Store Name: Swimmy McGee's

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Seller Location: Or, United States

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Home > Cyprinidae > Rasboras