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Home > Characidae > Tetras

Silvertip Tetra (12 Count)

Silvertip Tetra (12 Count)

Hasemania nana

Hasemania nana is indeed a tetra, but it lacks the reason for the name “tetra” – a fourth unpaired fin known as the adipose fin. Four… tetra… neat, right? This fish is a spectacular aquarium resident if you use them as “background noise” for the fish you want to stare at. Stay with me here – these are really active fish, they have a brass coloration that stands out beautifully in a planted tank, they tend to stay to themselves and don’t pick on tank mates AND the are easy to feed and care for, so put a bunch in your tank and your tank will look awesome! Then, add your male Dwarf Gourami and your gourami will stand out even though there is only one and your Silver Tip Tetras will add movement and flashes of metallic color to the tank. See?

Current Price: $22.00

Stock Level: 20

Seller Info

Store Name: Swimmy McGee's

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Seller Location: Or, United States

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Home > Characidae > Tetras