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Glowlight Rasbora (12 Count)

Glowlight Rasbora (12 Count)

Triginostigma hengeli

Triginostigma hengeli is one of the more attractive species of Rasbora in the hobby, but they are not as brightly colored as the Harlequin Rasbora which gets most of the attention in this genus. One of the tricks to displaying this fish is to use lights that aren’t the very brightest and use a very dark substrate. The body coloration will move to a more pinkish-burgundy color that will shine against a backdrop of green colored Cryptocoryne. Hint, enough light to grow Crypts but not a lot more. They don’t require a lot of room, but they appreciate living in a large group, so a 20 gallon tank with 25 of them will really shine.

Current Price: $30.00

Stock Level: 4

Seller Info

Store Name: Swimmy McGee's

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Seller Location: Or, United States

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