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Rosy Tetra

Rosy Tetra

Rosy Tetra

Hyphessobrycon rosaceus

Hyphessobrycon rosaceus was thought to be H. bentosi until folks noticed the lack of a dark patch behind the operculum in the Rosy Tetra. On that day, a star was born! The Rosy Tetra is one of the few tetra that has a compressed body and isn’t too aggressive. Many of the compressed body tetras will run their tank mates ragged whereas the Rosy Tetra is pretty chill. They require very little special attention from us in the shop – regular food, regular water changes and a filter that is cleaned weekly. They are also good shippers, if you worry about such things. They are becoming harder and harder to find in the hobby which is weird because they are not expensive and they look amazing! If you want a tetra that will be similar in color to a nice Rosé, this is a very good choice.

Current Price: $2.50

Stock Level: 200

Seller Info

Store Name: Swimmy McGee's

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Seller Location: Or, United States

Shipping: Please review checkout for final shipping options based on items selected, quantity, and groupings.

  • UPS Flat Rate Next Day- Medium 6x6x6: Fits 12 for $39.99
  • UPS Flat Rate Next Day- Large 10x10x10: Fits 36 for $49.99
  • UPS Flat Rate Next Day- Giant 17x17x10: Fits 150 for $79.99

Home > Characidae > Tetras