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Green Tiger Barbs

Green Tiger Barbs

Puntigrus tetrazona "Green"

There is a very good chance that Tiger Barbs are not Puntigrus tetrazona as there still isn’t a consensus as to what we have in our tanks. Some say that since the true Tiger Barb from Sumatra has only black in the dorsal fin, what we have in the hobby is likely Puntigrus anchisporus as that fish has red in the dorsal fin. Aquarium Glaser makes a really good case that what is the true Tiger Barb and what we have in the hobby is different. Whatever the case, I believe that these are excellent fish that look amazing be it the wild color form, the albino color form or the green color form. You really can’t go wrong unless you put them in a tank with fish that aren’t as rambunctious! Depending on the angle the fish is swimming to the light, your fish can look anywhere from a shiny emerald green to a shiny azure blue – see photo!

Current Price: $4.00

Stock Level: 150

Seller Info

Store Name: Swimmy McGee's

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Seller Location: Or, United States

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