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Otocinclus Catfish Tank Breed catfish Otocinclus Catfish Tank Breed catfish Otocinclus Catfish Tank Breed catfish

Otocinclus Catfish Tank Breed catfish


Otocinclus Catfish; this dwarf sucker mouth catfish is a popular custodial freshwater aquarium fish known for its ability to keep algae buildup under control. It is timid peaceful fish that is very active and should be kept in small group of no less than 4 fish, being in a group makes them feel safe and become more active. It is not a colorful fish but an intriguing one, it is continuously foraging and looking for food all around every leaf and small spaces where there is organic bio film to feed on. Otocinclus should be added to a cycled stable and established planted aquarium. They grow to a maximum size of 2 inches but mostly they are a little smaller 1" or so. In the wild they inhabit south america rain forest waterways that have lots of vegetation.

Aquarium bred and raised

Purchase Size: 1"

Current Price: $4.99

Stock Level: 3

Seller Info

Store Name: Bioaquatix Store

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Seller Location: FL, United States

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  • FedEx Priority Overnight : Fits 37 for $60.00
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