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Home > Characidae > Tetras

Black Emperor Tetra

Black Emperor Tetra

Nematobrycon palmeri

Nematobrycon palmeri is an odd tetra. It doesn’t have an adipose fin, it doesn’t seem to swim in schools and the males have a trident set of extensions on the tail. All that said, they are very easy to keep in the aquarium and will breed readily in fairly small aquariums. The black color form of this fish has been floated as a different species, but most of the literature still has them as the same species as the standard Emperor Tetra. Not to be confused with the Blue Emperor Tetra which is a different and smaller species; it is also in a different genus. Fairly different with a very similar name.

Current Price: $3.50

Stock Level: 50

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Store Name: Swimmy McGee's

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Seller Location: Or, United States

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Home > Characidae > Tetras