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Other Catfish

Corydoras (30) Hypancistrus Pleco (5) Ancistrus Pleco (14) Other Plecostomus (31) Other Catfish (13) Catfish Back to the Catalog


Otocinclus macrospilus

Price: $3.75

Available: 50

Swimmy McGee's

Otocinclus (12 Count)

Otocinclus (12 Count)

Otocinclus macrospilus

Price: $38.00

Available: 4

Swimmy McGee's

Group of 4 Debauwi Catfish

Group of 4 Debauwi Catfish

Price: $39.99

Available: 1

First Coast Tropical Fish Store

Otocinclus Catfish Tank Breed catfish

Otocinclus Catfish Tank Breed catfish


Price: $4.99

Available: 20

Bioaquatix Store

Synodontis 'Green Leopard' 1.5"-2"

Synodontis 'Green Leopard' 1.5"-2"

'Green Leopard' Syno

Price: $12.99

Sale: $9.99

Available: 12

Bioaquatix Store

Synodontis Black Panther 1.5"

Synodontis Black Panther 1.5"

Black Panther Syno

Price: $12.99

Sale: $9.99

Available: 3

Bioaquatix Store

Synodontis Panda 1.5"=2" Tank Bred

Synodontis Panda 1.5"=2" Tank Bred

Panda Syno

Price: $12.99

Available: 12

Bioaquatix Store