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Thanks for all the years, will be closing January 31st.

Dans Fish
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F1 Panda Uaru

F1 Panda Uaru

Hobbyist Bred and Raised in the USA

Uaru fernandezyepezi

Price: $99.99

Available: 30

Dans Fish

Red Laser Rainbow

Red Laser Rainbow

Aquarium Bred and Raised

Melanotaenia rubrivittata

Price: $15.99

Available: 38

Dans Fish

Blue Axelrodi Rasbora

Blue Axelrodi Rasbora

Sundadanio axelrodi

Price: $9.99

Available: 2

Dans Fish

Santa Maria Endler, Pair (1M1F)

Santa Maria Endler, Pair (1M1F)

Hobbyist Bred and Raised

Poecilia wingei

Price: $39.99

Available: 4

Dans Fish

Magenta Mystery Snail, (3 pack)

Magenta Mystery Snail, (3 pack)

Hobbyist Bred and Raised in the USA

Pomacea bridgesii

Price: $14.99

Available: 2

Dans Fish

Montezuma Swordtail, Trio (1M2F)

Montezuma Swordtail, Trio (1M2F)

Aquarium Glaser

Xiphophorus montezumae

Price: $149.99

Available: 1

Dans Fish

Butterfly Splitfin Goodeid, Pair (1M1F)

Butterfly Splitfin Goodeid, Pair (1M1F)

Hobbyist Bred and Raised in Europe

Ameca splendens

Price: $41.99

Available: 5

Dans Fish

Copper Sailfin Molly, Pair (1M1F)

Copper Sailfin Molly, Pair (1M1F)

Aquarium Bred and Raised

Poecilia sp.

Price: $39.99

Available: 10

Dans Fish

Pea Puffer 'West Java'

Pea Puffer 'West Java'

Harvested from Nature

Carinotetraodon cf. travancoricus

Price: $12.99

Available: 4

Dans Fish

Limia perugiae 'Aquarium Strain'

Limia perugiae 'Aquarium Strain'

Bred and Raised Right Here at Dan's Fish

Limia perugiae

Price: $12.99

Available: 50

Dans Fish

Cherry Spot Tropheus 'Bulu Point'

Cherry Spot Tropheus 'Bulu Point'

Aquarium Bred and Raised

Tropheus moorii

Price: $29.99

Available: 24

Dans Fish

Albino Hoplo Catfish

Albino Hoplo Catfish

Hobbyist Bred and Raised in Europe

Hoplosternum thoracatum

Price: $26.99

Available: 30

Dans Fish

Albino Red Head Tapajos Geophagus

Albino Red Head Tapajos Geophagus

Aquarium Bred and Raised

Geophagus pyrocephalus

Price: $69.99

Available: 18

Dans Fish

Fancy Albino Golden Sailfin Molly, Pair (1M1F)

Fancy Albino Golden Sailfin Molly, Pair (1M1F)

Aquarium Bred and Raised

Poecilia sp.

Price: $189.99

Available: 5

Dans Fish

Leopard Ctenopoma-Pellet Trained

Leopard Ctenopoma-Pellet Trained

Ctenopoma acutirostre

Price: $19.99

Available: 27

Dans Fish

Clown Pleco

Clown Pleco

Harvested from Nature

Panaque maccus

Price: $16.99

Available: 11

Dans Fish

Yellow Shrimp, (4 pack)

Yellow Shrimp, (4 pack)

Aquarium Bred and Raised

Neocaridina sp.

Price: $29.99

Available: 15

Dans Fish

Hummingbird Tetra

Hummingbird Tetra

Harvested from Nature

Trochilocharax ornatus

Price: $15.99

Available: 28

Dans Fish

Zebra Otocinclus 'Rio Tigre'

Zebra Otocinclus 'Rio Tigre'

Otocinclus cocama

Price: $29.99

Available: 13

Dans Fish

Red Beckfordi Pencilfish

Red Beckfordi Pencilfish

Aquarium Bred and Raised

Nannostomus beckfordi

Price: $8.99

Available: 59

Dans Fish

Neon Blue Guppy, Trio (1M2F)

Neon Blue Guppy, Trio (1M2F)

Aquarium Bred and Raised

Poecilia reticulata

Price: $49.99

Available: 2

Dans Fish

Red Lace Guppy, Pair (1M1F)

Red Lace Guppy, Pair (1M1F)

Aquarium Bred and Raised

Poecilia reticulata

Price: $39.99

Available: 3

Dans Fish

Pacific Blue Eye Rainbow

Pacific Blue Eye Rainbow

Pseudomugil signifer

Price: $9.99

Available: 41

Dans Fish

Diamond Head Neon Tetra

Diamond Head Neon Tetra

Hobbyist Bred and Raised in Europe

Paracheirodon innesi

Price: $9.99

Available: 20

Dans Fish