Thanks for all the years, will be closing January 31st.
Source: Aquarium Bred and Raised
Estimated size at shipping: 1.5"
Max Size: around 5-6"
Sold as: Unsexed
In my experience, these are the best algae eating aquarium fish available. They do not stop efficiently eating algae as they grow like some plecos and Chinese algae eaters and flying foxes do and they don't get aggressive as adults like Chinese algae eaters do. These fish eat many kinds of algae and I've had them clear a 125 gallon planted aquarium choked with black beard, diatom, and string algae in a couple of weeks.
Diet: Herbivore
Current Price: $8.99
Stock Level: 163
Store Name: Dans Fish
Store Rating:
Seller Location: WY, United States
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