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Home > Cichlids > South America

Electric Blue Acara Electric Blue Acara Electric Blue Acara Electric Blue Acara Electric Blue Acara

Electric Blue Acara

Aquarium Bred and Raised

Andinoacara pulcher

Source: Aquarium Bred and Raised

Estimated size at shipping: 1-1.5"

Max Size: around 5-6"

Sold as: Unsexed


The Electric Blue Acara is a perfect entry to the world of larger South American cichlids. This brightly colored fish is one of the most peaceful cichlids at this size, making it perfect for community aquariums.

While this fish is relatively peaceful, be sure to keep it with larger enough tankmates. Smaller fish such as small tetras or fry may be eaten if they fit in the acara's mouth.

South American cichlids are notorious diggers. While the electric blue acara is better about this than most, it still may uproot live plants or other decorations. It has never done so in our planted tanks, but this might be one to avoid in a perfectly aquascaped planted aquarium. Rhizome plants such as anubias or java fern may hold up better than other plants in a tank with this fish.

Setup Considerations:

Even though these are peaceful for a cichlid, they are still a cichlid. If you keep more than one or a pair, be sure to give everyone enough room to establish their own territories. Decorations/plants which provide line-of-sight restrictions between territories can help.

Will thrive in standard aquarium parameters. Keep as an individual centerpiece fish, in a pair, or in larger groups to avoid aggression.

Diet: Omnivore

This fish is currently eating a well-rounded diet of prepared foods like pellets and flakes, as well as frozen and love foods.

Current Price: $11.99

Stock Level: 33

Seller Info

Store Name: Dans Fish

Store Rating:

Seller Location: WY, United States

Shipping: Please review checkout for final shipping options based on items selected, quantity, and groupings.

  • UPS Next Day Small: Fits 10 for $39.99
  • UPS Next Day Large: Fits 28 for $49.99
  • UPS Next Day Medium: Fits 17 for $45.99
  • UPS Next Day Giant: Fits 52 for $69.99

Home > Cichlids > South America