Heterandria formosa (Lest killifish) aka the smallest livebearer in the world are a hardy native fish found in Florida and select areas of the south eastern united states. Females can get just over an inch and are slightly more round than their smaller and more slender male counterparts. They can withstand cooler temperatures and can be kept without a heater at room temperature. Peaceful fish that does well in a calm community or planted tank
Least Killifish
Scientific Name: Heterandria Formosa
Diet: Omnivore (flake, pellets, not picky)
Difficulty: Easy
Min Tank Size (in gallons): 5g
pH Range: 6.5-8.0
Temperature Range: 65-85
Max Size (in inches): 1-1.5"
Current Price: $15.00
Stock Level: 6
Store Name: Wild Fish Tanks
Store Rating:
Seller Location: FL, United States
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