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Home > Characidae > Pencilfish

Really Red Pencilfish 'Rio Amaya'

Harvested from Nature

Nannostomus sp.

Natural Range: Rio Amaya

Source: Harvested from Nature

Estimated size at shipping: 1"

Sold as: Unsexed


The body of these are completely red.

Pencilfish are a peaceful cousin of Tetras. They have elongated bodies and little mouths. Coming in a wide assortment of colors and patterns, they're a great addition to planted, community tanks.

Setup Considerations:

Pencilfish are a schooling fish and prefer to be in large groups of their own species. They're a great addition to planted tanks and will readily spawn provided clean water and high protein food.


Pencilfish have small mouths, so nano pellets and crushed flakes are great foods. Supplementing with live foods like microworms and baby brine is always suggested.

Current Price: $69.99

Stock Level: 4

Seller Info

Store Name: Dans Fish

Store Rating:

Seller Location: WY, United States

Shipping: Please review checkout for final shipping options based on items selected, quantity, and groupings.

  • UPS Next Day Small: Fits 10 for $39.99
  • UPS Next Day Medium: Fits 17 for $45.99
  • UPS Next Day Large: Fits 28 for $49.99
  • UPS Next Day Giant: Fits 52 for $69.99

Home > Characidae > Pencilfish